Mind your P's
Jo Hanlon
0403 497 120
Human Resources
Central Coast

Human Resources
There’s a common saying in business that ‘people are your greatest asset’. While HR Coach and Consultant, Jo Hanlon, agrees with that sentiment wholeheartedly, she says people can also be your greatest risk in business. And by ‘people’ she is referring not only to staff but also the business leaders themselves. As founder and Principal/Director of Mind Your Ps, Jo is committed to helping business owners optimise the performance of their greatest resources (their people and themselves) for sustainable business growth. Each and every day, Jo feels fortunate to be actively following her passion for seeing people grow and reach their full potential in business and in life. Working with business owners and SMEs, Jo helps her clients improve their profitability by optimising what she calls the ‘key Ps’ in any business – People, Productivity and Potential to maximise Profit by drawing on people’s Passion and Purpose.
Nursing for many years early in her career taught Jo a great deal about people; how they think, how they feel and how they respond to various situations. It also taught her she had a natural affinity and genuine love for interacting with people. Leaving the nursing profession to explore other avenues, Jo gained extensive experience in a range of sales, marketing and business development roles for small, medium and large multi-national companies over a 20-year period. The management and leadership skills Jo gained in these roles provided her with a deep understanding of many key aspects of HR and people management at both strategic and functional levels. This experience proved invaluable for the business she runs today. Achieving her MBA in 2004, Jo is also a certified member of HR Coach, an Australian owned and operated network of over 80 HR Coaches across the Asia Pacific region.
The decision in 2008 to make the leap from the corporate world into small business came as a result of Jo’s drive to make a genuine difference in the professional lives of the people she works with on a daily basis; something she knew she could best achieve as the decision maker in her own business. A testament to the positive difference Jo has made to her clients’ businesses since commencing Mind Your Ps has been the high level of repeat and referral business she achieves. Wanting to be much more than just a ‘tick the right HR boxes for compliance’ solution for a business, Jo takes the time to ensure a potential client has a genuine desire to make a positive difference to the workplace culture of their organisation first and foremost. She is often asked by business owners to assist them address many critical people related areas of their businesses to get them back on track. Then if requested, she will assess the business holistically and help her clients articulate their company vision, mission, values and strategies to ensure they know exactly who they are and where they want to go. This important process facilitates any changes made at deeper levels within the business, making them more sustainable and meaningful. Experience has shown her, that when key messages at the brand level are totally clear, alignment of all other functions within the business are much easier to achieve – from recruiting the right people and attracting the right clients to creating the right environment in which productivity and profitability can be maximised.
Jo was initially drawn to Wild Fig out of intrigue. Very selective about the business groups she engages with, Jo found the format of the sessions, the community spirit within the group and the quality of its members to be well aligned with her own goals for connecting with other Central Coast business owners.
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